Tin Dožić – Lutalaštvo / Wanderlust

Online (free access / slobodan pristup):

Stream 1: Sun 20-06-2021, 21:00 h CEST (UTC+2)
Stream 2: Mon 21-06-2021, 21:00 h CEST (UTC+2)

“You are currently running an experimental version of Earth.”
- Google Earth homepage, 2020.

Audiovizualni rad Lutalaštvo upogonjuje dromomaniju kao istraživačku metodu s ciljem okretanja od homogenizirajućih formi reprezentacije okoliša, bilo onih turističkih bilo onih u geoinformacijskim sustavima (GIS). Rad je dio šireg istraživanja naslova Dromomania Adriatica, koje će biti realizirano kao audiovizualni esej krajem 2021. godine. Stoga je Lutalaštvo jedna postaja u širem istraživačkom procesu.

U knjizi “Mad Travelers: Reflections on the Reality of Transient Mental Illnesses” autor Ian Hacking opisuje značenje pojma dromomanije: riječ je o zastarjelom pojmu, koji je sredinom 19.st. opisivao danas nepostojeću psihijatrijsku dijagnozu tzv. “patološkog turizma”. Sam pojam sačinjen je od riječi dromo (grč. trkalište) i mania (grč. ludilo, bjesnilo). Danas, u doba razvoja masovnog turizma i komodifikacije putovanja, dromomanija se čini kao nešto poželjno, a želja za putovanjem ili tzv. lutalaštvo (engl. Wanderlust) postaje još jednom aktivnošću koja generira proizvodnju slika.

Rad Lutalaštvo ispituje reprezentacijske medije te razne odnose i diskrepancije, mutacije formi iz digitalnog u materijalno i obratno, a kroz seriju pješačkih izleta na gore i planine, autor sakuplja razne materijale koji se kasnije ostvaruju na ekranu laptopa, kao desktop kino. Upravo su ti odnosi oni koji ističu čudnu isprepletenost suprotnosti u antropocenu, primjerice odnos satelita i pametnog telefona koji iscrtava putanju čovjeka koji hoda ne-ljudskim krajolikom, ili onaj pak digitalnog modela i stvarnog predmeta čija je taj model reprezentacija. Pješačenje je metoda za utjelovljenje krajolika, a svaki korak pokušaj da se čitav planet gurne okomito prema dolje, koji rezultira samo time da tijelo biva odgurnuto prema gore. Ipak, čini se da je čitav planet lakše pomicati prstom, na ekranu, stoga ovaj rad traži ono začudno u digitalnim modelima Zemlje.

Materijali koji nastaju tijekom pješačkih izleta oponašaju geoinformacijske tehnike, a to su fotogrametrijski 3D modeli i gps tragovi, prikazi posjećenih lokacija na Google Earth platformi te njihove greške i glitchevi.

Uz desktop kino stream, rad Lutalaštvo je realiziran i kroz pripadajuću web stranicu, na kojoj će usporedno s desktop kinom biti objavljen i digitalni teritorij kojim publika može lutati.

— Tin Dožić


Praksa Tina Dožića (Rijeka, 1989) odmakla je od primarno zvučnih radova prema multimediji, fokusirajući se na istraživanje medija. Svoju je praksu od razvoja vlastitih elektroničkih instrumenata, aproprijacije zastarjelih tehnologija i recikliranja zaokrenuo prema medijskom istraživanju. Trenutno ga interesiraju materijalnost, (mračna) ekologija, DIY kultura i medijska arheologija, antropocen i geologija, točke susreta umjetnosti i znanosti te hodanje, spavanje i snovi. U potrazi je za čudnim situacijama koje se prirodno pojavljuju na presjeku fizičkog i digitalnog. Izlagao je na raznim platformama u Hrvatskoj i inozemstvu, kroz samostalne i kolaborativne projekte. Dožićev rad Pjesme za antropocen osvojio je nagradu Zlatna lubenica na festivalu Media Mediterranea 2018. godine. Finalist je nagrade Radoslav Putar 2019. i alumni WHW akademije u generaciji 2019./2020. Kao član autorskog tima: Sven Sorić (vizualni identitet), Hrvoje Spudić (vizualni identitet), Sara Salamon (video animacija) i Tin Dožić (oblikovanje zvuka) dobitnik je Nagrade 55. zagrebačkog salona primijenjene umjetnosti i dizajna (2020.) za mlade autore do 35. godina za vizualni identitet za 30. MBZ: Muzički biennale Zagreb / Music Biennale Zagreb.


Vedran Gligo - izrada sučelja 3D teritorija
Branimir Tadić - izrada 3D fotogrametrijskog modela Horvatovih stuba na Medvednici

Rad “Lutalaštvo” podržan je od strane Ministarstva kulture i medija Republike Hrvatske.
Predstavljanje rada odvija se u okviru projekta “Inquiry Inc.” UO Format C, podržanog sredstvima Ministarstva kulture i medija RH, Grada Zagreba, Grada Rijeke i Zaklade Kultura nova.

“You are currently running an experimental version of Earth.”
- Google Earth homepage, 2020.

The audiovisual work titled Wanderlust engages dromomania as a research method aiming to move away from the homogenising environmental representation forms, both - those made by tourism or those embedded in geo informatics (GIS). The work is a part of a broader research titled Dromomania Adriatica that will be realised at the end of 2021 as an audiovisual essay. The work Wanderlust is only one step in this broader research process.

In his book “Mad Travelers: Reflections on the Reality of Transient Mental Illnesses” autor Ian Hacking describes the meaning of dromomania: it is an obsolete term used during the mid 19th century to describe a psychiatric diagnosis of the so-called “pathological tourism”. The term itself consists of greek words “dromo” and “mania”, with the first one meaning racetrack and the second meaning madness. Today, with the advent of mass tourism and travel commodification, dromomania seems desirable, and wanderlust becomes one more image production generating activity.

The inquiry of Wanderlust is into representational media and various relations and discrepancies, into mutations of form from digital into physical and vice versa. During the past six months the author visited different locations, mountains and hills and collected various materials later presented as desktop cinema on laptop screens. It is exactly those relations that emphasise the weird entanglement of opposites in the anthropocene, for example the relationship between a satellite and a smartphone tracing movement of a human walking through a non-human landscape, or a relation between a digital model and the physical object it represents. In the context of this project walking is a method for embodying the landscape, and each step an attempt at pushing the whole planet downward, which only results in the body being propelled upwards, with the Earth itself intact. It seems that it is easier to move the whole planet with a finger over the screen, so this work sets out to search for the wondrous and weird in digital representations of Earth.

The materials obtained during the hikes imitate geo-technologies such as photogrammetry and 3D models, gps traces, representations of Google Earth routes and visited locations and their glitches.

In addition to the desktop cinema stream, Wanderlust is materialized as a web site, where a digital territory for the audience to roam is to be published simultaneously as the stream.

— Tin Dožić


Tin Dožić’s (Rijeka, 1989) practice shifted from primarily sound to multimedia based work, focusing on media research. His practice shifted from developing his own electronic instruments, appropriation of outdated technologies and recycling to media research. Current topics of interest are materiality, (dark) ecology, DIY culture and media archaeology, the Anthropocene and geology, meeting of art and science, walking, sleeping and dreams. He is in search of weird situations that naturally occur on the intersection of physical and digital. He has exhibited and performed his work on various platforms in Croatia and abroad, through solo and collaborative projects. Dožić’s work Songs for the Anthropocene won the Golden Watermelon award at Media Mediterranea festival in Pula, Croatia (2018). He is the finalist of Radoslav Putar award (2019), and as a part of the author team Sven Sorić, Sara Salamon, and Hrvoje Spudić won the Award for young artists at the 55th Zagreb Salon of Applied Arts and Design for the visual identity of the 30th MBZ: Music Biennale Zagreb. He was a student of WHW Akademia generation 2019.


Vedran Gligo - 3D territory interface
Branimir Tadić - 3D photogrammetric model of Horvat’s stairs, Medvednica

“Wanderlust” is supported by the Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Croatia.
The presentation of the work is a part of the “Inquiry Inc.” project by Format C Artist Organization, financially supported by the Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Croatia, the City of Zagreb, the City of Rijeka and the Kultura Nova Foundation.