“Inquiry Inc.” is a continuous new media concept of a non-profit, in(ter)dependent nomadic art program based on free knowledge, contemporary artistic experiment and collaborative new media (co)production. The program is realised as a transdisciplinary critical continuum in the transnational networked space and in various physical Croatian venues, enabled by close collabs with many artists, collectives and organizations. The program productions, discursive events and exhibitions are open to all and any local / regional / international artists / researchers / hackers curious about free, intangible and non-commodifiable digital art collaborations.
This year we have travelled to the 36th CCC in Lepzig to see new art & meet new people, to realize new friendships and connections, and to possibly include great projects into our art programs.
Wanna know more and/or join us? (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ) Pls email us at hello@formatc.hr or ping publicly via t.me/inqinc to meetup at the Messe.
Big *thank you* to “Kultura Nova” Foundation for supporting our travel! (Our project travel is financially supported by the “Kultura Nova” Foundation.)