*free_art_-_source* je meta-izložba s tematikom kôda koji čini i/ili gradi suvremenu umjetnost i recentnu estetiku proizašlu iz sintakse računalne kulture.
Izložbom u prostoru Inquiry Inc. predstavit ćemo hrvatske i međunarodne autore i umjetnike koji u svojemu radu koriste ili prepoznaju razne programske jezike kao univerzalan jezik za kreaciju i komuniciranje umjetničke intencije.
Djela tretirana kao grafički listovi, predstavljena u izvornoj formi pisanoga teksta-naputka pomažu opisati raznolike mogućnosti za autorski izričaj u vremenu i kontekstu interdisciplinarne kulture koja omogućuje potpuno nove i raznovrsne tehnološke, filozofske i umjetničke pristupe.
Izložba u trajanju od tri dana otvara se 24.4.‘16. u 18h, a možete ju pogledati do 26.4. u terminima od 16-20h, na adresi Adama Reisnera 137, Osijek (goo.gl/maps/lSX0t).
Na licu mjesta moći ćete istražiti i rezultate koje predstavljena tekstualna djela kreiraju u domeni recentne novomedijske - transmedijske i hipermedijske umjetnosti.
Predstavljena su djela autora i autorica:
Bartek Pilarczyk
Domenico Dom Barra
Maja Kalogera
Michaela Lakova
stAllio! (Benjamin Berg)
Tomasz Sulej
Uğur Engin Deniz
Vedran Gligo
24.4.: otvorenje, u 18h @ Inquiry Inc. (uz PHONOGRAM)
25.4.: 16-20h @ InqInc.
26.4.: 16-20h @ InqInc.
[Fb event]
Diskurzivni prezentacijski i rezidencijalni program » free_art_-_* « orijentiran je prema predstavljanju autora i autorica koji djeluju u sferi digitalne kulture i “pristupačne” umjetnosti bazirane na principima samoprodukcije, a s naglaskom na tematici samoodrživosti i taktikama suradnje i razmjene znanja.
» Format C « - umjetnička organizacija s fokusom na suvremenom umjetničkom istraživanju i suradničkom stvaralaštvu.
Za dodatne informacije o izložbi kontaktirajte nas na: hello@formatc.hr
[ Program projekta ‘Inquiry Inc. [2016]’ provodi se uz financijsku podršku Zaklade “Kultura nova” ]
*free_art_-_source* is a code-themed meta-exhibition, showing the source of contemporary art and recent aesthetics built on the syntaxes of computer culture.
The exhibition at Inquiry Inc. art space will show Croatian and international authors utilizing programming languages to universally communicate their creation and artistic intention.
These artworks, treated as graphics and shown as the source/instruction for the creation of art will help us understand the possibilities of expressions in the time and context of interdisciplinarity providing us with new and diverse possibilities of technological, philosophical and artistic approaches.
The three day expo opens 24th of April 2016, at 18:00, and is open till 26th of April, 16-20h, at Adama Reisnera 137, Osijek, CRO (goo.gl/maps/lSX0t).
At the location you will be able to explore the new media, transmedia and hypermedia artwork/results of the shown text-based work.
Presented authors:
Bartek Pilarczyk
Domenico Dom Barra
Maja Kalogera
Michaela Lakova
stAllio! (Benjamin Berg)
Tomasz Sulej
Uğur Engin Deniz
Vedran Gligo
24.4.: expo opening, 18h @ Inquiry Inc. (w/ PHONOGRAM)
25.4.: 16-20h @ InqInc.
26.4.: 16-20h @ InqInc.
[Fb event]
» free_art_-_* « A series of discursive events on the subject of diverse ideologies and individual practices of authors working in the digital domain and creating free, approachable art. The project is oriented mainly towards digital artists and creators engaged in copyleft-based collaborative and commons-oriented digital art practices.
» Format C « - an artist organization with a focus of interest in contemporary artistic research and collaborative production.
For additional expo info contact us at: hello@formatc.hr
[ ‘Inquiry Inc. [2016]’ project programme is supported by “Kultura nova” Foundation ]
Yahshoo, Bartek Pilarczyk
Circles used in this project display a certain behaviour: when a circle passes another one within a defined distance, a new figure is drawn on the canvas between the centers of both circles.
1. Array of 5 circles is initiated
2. Circles move in various directions
3. Circles are invisible (they do not leave trace on the canvas)
4. When one circle meets another within a specified distance, new figure is drawn between their centers (here: squares and lines).
5. Color of the figures is determined by the RGB values of the pixel in the meeting point.
6. Time. Rather big amount of it in order to see some interesting results. (Shortcut for the impatient ones: click few times on the canvas, more circles will be added to the array. Thus, more of them will meet in shorter time.)
Bartek Pilarczyk is mainly an engineer with some artistic inclinations. However, not very deep knowledge of real life art materials made his initial art creation attempts quite miserable. Recently, he discovered that mathematics, randomness and writing a wrong computer code can be used to design a piece of art. This fact pushed Bartek to follow the software - as - a - medium path.
love is denied to robots, Domenico Barra
“Chi non lavora, non fà l'amore”. These are the lyrics of an Italian song that say that “who does not work, does not deserve to make love”. Now that robots are the substitute of human labour, do robots deserve to make love? Do robots deserve to have sex? Do robots deserve passion?
The code is a “print” function written in the Python interpreter Python 3.5.
The background picture is a frame from a gif where a human gets sexual pleasure from a robot machine.
Domenico Barra is a (Dirty) New Media Artist based in Napoli (Italy) working with digital media with a major focus on internet culture.
An Anthropophagous Plant, Maja Kalogera
[ flash ]
Jules et Jim, Maja Kalogera
[ html with a lot of JS ]
Maja Kalogera is visual arts and media researcher, curator and artist who consistently places herself at the convergence of art and technology. Her creative work over the past 12 years has included a wide range of mediums including digital and interactive media, robotics, photography, painting, video and film. She is recipient of the grants and awards such as Henry Moore Foundation, New Performing Radio Foundation, Black Rock ART Foundation, HDLU CIte International. She exhibited and had screenings at galleries and venues such as Eyebeam gallery, ISEA, Ars Electronica Center, Sofia Reina Museum, Museum für angewandte Kunst Wien, …
3Glitch, LiL PDF
Utilizing the THREE.js Library and the Random Math functions for coloring, this JavaScript based WebGL site produces glitched visuals pulsing at 60FPS.
Internet based and open source-ish, LiL PDF. works to create dynamic procedural renderings. Both provoking and questioning the user and device, dividing the intersection into parsed entities.
DEL?No, Wait!REW., Michaela Lakova
DELETE?No, wait!REWIND is an automatized system, which recovers files from hard drives without the consent or the knowledge of the previous owners, who presume their content has been forever deleted. DEL?No, wait!REW asks is it possible to delete information in the digital age? Whether our storage devices are locally present (hard drives) or dislocated (the cloud), can we ever be certain our data has been permanently deleted? In an ongoing conversation around the impossibility of erasing digital traces, what role do we take? Are we plunderers, interpreters or mediators?
The installation aims to prompt the viewers with a decision or ethical choice whether to delete a recovered file or save it by publishing it online.
video documentation >> https://vimeo.com/102950096
Michaela Lakova (BG/NL) is a visual artist, researcher and videographer. Her artistic practice revolves around exposing the immateriality of digital technology by looking into the physical dimensions of our computational storage devices. Her recent visual works depict larger questions such as: what are the social and cultural impacts of using technology and how do we encounter ourselves while acting inside a programmed system? Michaela’s works often takes shape of installation, video, photography, sculpture or a publication.
fading blocks (null), stAllio!
A randomized text art animation by stAllio! 100% text; no graphics. Click to randomize.
stAllio! (Benjamin Berg) is a new media artist and musician working out of Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. He is best known for his pioneering work in the areas of glitch art, data sound, and appropriation-based music.
[ self explanatory processing script ], Tomasz Sulej
Tomasz Sulej
Born in seventies, with math in mind, is constantly looking for broken patterns. Doesn’t consider himself as artist, wants to be treated as researcher.
Running Hajnal, Uğur Engin Deniz
Running Hajnal stemmed from my desire to make interconnected 3d systems that are able to run without any user input/excessive manipulation. Venetian’s Hajnal has always been an influence on me creating similar sound scapes, hence my choice it for this experiment. Through visual programming cinema4d provides I made data connections using filtered sound graphs.
Working nodebased relies on clearly laying out tables with a visually comprehensible connection. I tend to work messy. In the table (1st pic) this is accentuated visually by further shuffling of the nodes. This machine will still run perfectly, yet the language is lost.
Notepad (displayed image) is how the computer stores the project creating it’s individual sense of chaos with seldom references to in scene objects.
The automation approach influenced most of the videos I created around that period and a still ongoing quest.
Ugur Engin Deniz is a new media artist born in 1979 in Istanbul. After getting his bachelor’s on physics, he started working on computer graphics. His interest is mainly focused on optical phenomena and material intervention.
Motion Graphics Designer / Experimental Aesthet / Glimitator / Connoisseur of Bizarre
https://www.facebook.com/Ugur.Engin.Deniz _ https://vimeo.com/engindeniz
Back to base, Vedran Gligo
Back to base is a tryptich set of images displayed in juxtaposition as ASCII art using base64 encoded images portraying individuals behind the forces that drive modern society.
[ Instructions ]
Access the internet and goto backtobase.v3d.space or use OCR (=P) and copy the code from each image to a text editor.
Each image contains several instances of a base64 encoded string (beggining with data:image).
Extract one of those instances and place it in HTMLtags.
Save the file as HTML and open it with a browser.
Vedran Gligo is a DIY artist / hacker based in hacklab01.org in AKC Attack in Zagreb, Croatia. He dabbles in glitch art and loves wrecking havoc on various formats. Real life passions include but are not limited to frontend web development, GNU / Linux promotion and system administration, and holding free public workshops from those fields.
Notable recent projects:/‘fu:bar/ gltich art exhibition http://fubar.space/ (big plans for 2016. heavily underway).
glitch/databend - education in glitch art glitch-databend.tumblr.com
EG#9 : loop - an animation and a societal experiment, based on an unnamed silhouette animation (first part of The First Circus, 1921. - ) by the author Tony Sarg. The finished work will be shown on MSU media facade, as part of Animafest 2016. “Animation goes MSU”. http://eg9.v3d.space