Hackn3t je program hibridnih – mrežnih i prisustvenih, umjetničkih i haktivističkih rezidencija orijentiranih novomedijskom umjetničkom stvaralaštvu i etičkom hakiranju, a provodi se kao dio projekta hacklab01 u suradnji umjetničke organizacije Format C i udruge MI2.
U 2024. u sklopu hackn3ta održane su dvije rezidencije s javnim predstavljanjima:
- Još jedan nezgrapan QR kod (pokušaj demistifikacije stvari koja želi biti skenirana) kolektiva At Least They Tried
- Riding the edge umjetnika Anne-Jan Reijna
Na stranici hacklab01.org/blog/hacknet2024 dostupni su materijali i snimke predstavljanja.
Poziv na sudjelovanje u programu rezidencije otvoren je u okviru trajnog poziva OC @ formatc.hr/open-call
Hackn3t is a program of hybrid—online and in-person—artistic and hacktivist residencies focused on new media art practices and ethical hacking. It is organized as part of the hacklab01 project in collaboration of Format C and the MI2 association.
In 2024, two residencies with public presentations were held as part of Hackn3t:
- Yet Another Awkward QR Code (tentative to demystify the thing that wants to be scanned) by the collective At Least They Tried
- Riding the Edge by artist Anne-Jan Reijn
Materials and recordings of the presentations are available at: hacklab01.org/blog/hacknet2024
The call for participation in the residency program is available via the permanent open call at formatc.hr/open-call