30.01.2023. – 19.04.2023.
@ Trg sv. Marka, Korčula
0-24 h
Wi-Fi gallery grey) (area
connect with your personal mobile device
Artist: Iqra Iqbal
Curator/s: Darko Fritz, Format C
In collaboration with: Korčula Town Museum, Format C
Supported by: Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Croatia, Kultura nova Foundation, Dubrovnik-Neretva County, Korčula Town, City of Zagreb
The exhibition Deceptive Dimension by the Pakistan artist, Iqra Iqbal can be accessed at the main square of the town of Korčula. The exhibition is visible through personal mobile devices, connecting via the “grey) (area” Wi-Fi network. This is a new digital art presentation format organized by the grey) (area association - a space for contemporary and media art from Korčula, realized in cooperation with the Format C Art Organization based in Zagreb and the Korčula Town Museum.
The exhibition Deceptive Dimension shows an exploration of generating glitch images using artificial intelligence techniques. The database consists of 60 images. The author explores a wide range of mathematical concepts such as minimal surfaces, polyhedral geometry, symmetrical tessellations, kaleidoscopic projections and fractal patterns. For this exhibition she uses separate technological processes of digital image processing through three series of artworks: Content_Imgs, Style_Imgs and Neural_Art. As materials and processes, she uses images with a moiré effect, data moshing generated by applying audio effects to image files, as well the Neural Style Transfer. This software offers a technique to take two images—a content image and a style reference image (such as an artwork by a famous painter)—and blend them so the output image looks like the content image, but "painted" in the style of the style reference image. The sound of the exhibition is made from sonified images.
The Wi-Fi Gallery grey) (area has been set up on Pivilion, a free and open operating system developed by Dina Karadžić and Vedran Gligo of Format C. The wireless local area network (WLAN) is freely available and introduces digital artwork automatically, without a password or further action, to anyone connecting with the Wi-Fi network. Since 2022 grey) (area Wi-Fi Gallery is permanently available in Korčula’s St. Mark's Square, presenting works were chosen by curators from grey) (area and Format C.
About the author:
Iqra Iqbal is a digital artist with a computer science background. She holds a BS degree in Computer Science and is currently pursuing MS in Computer Science. She has worked as a designer for many international startups, agencies and brands. She has been virtually participating in the Fubar Glitch Art Exhibition (Croatia), also participated in the COVIMETRY exhibition as part of Discursive Geometry movement (Poland) and presented her artworks at the Art and Science Exhibition (Italy). She works and lives in Pakistan.
Umjetnica: Iqra Iqbal
Kustos/i: Darko Fritz, Format C
U suradnji sa: Gradski muzej Korčula, Format C
In collaboration with: Korčula Town Museum, Format C
Supported by: Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Croatia, Kultura nova Foundation, Dubrovnik-Neretva County, Korčula Town, City of Zagreb
Izložba Varljiva dimenzija pakistanske umjetnice Iqre Iqbal može se pogledati na glavnom trgu grada Korčule. Izložba je vidljiva preko osobnih mobilnih uređaja, spajanjem na Wi-Fi mrežu 'siva) (zona'. Riječ je o novom formatu prezentacije umjetničkih digitalnih radova u organizaciji udruge sive) (zona - prostora suvremene i medijske umjetnosti iz Korčule, koji je ostvaren u suradnji s umjetničkom organizacijom Format C iz Zagreba i Gradskim muzejom iz Korčule.
Izložba Varljiva dimenzija prikazuje razne tehnike generiranja glitch slika korištenjem tehnika umjetne inteligencije. Baza podataka sastoji se od 60 slika. Autorica istražuje širok raspon matematičkih koncepata kao što su minimalne površine, poliedralna geometrija, simetrične teselacije, kaleidoskopske projekcije i fraktalne uzorke. Za radove na ovoj izložbi koristi zasebne tehnološke postupke digitalnih obrada slika kroz tri tematske cjeline: Content_Imgs, Style_Imgs i Neural_Art. Kao materijale i postupke koristi, između ostalog, slike s moiré efektom, data moshing generiranih primjenom audio efekata na slikovne datotekea i upotrebu AI softvera Neural Style Transfer koji optimizira obradu dviju slika. Taj softver usklađuje slike sadržaja i referentne slike stila i njihovo spajanje tako da izlazna slika izgleda kao slika sadržaja, ali je "naslikana" u stilu referentne slike stila. Izlazne slike su glitch umjetnička djela. Zvuk izložbe napravljen je sonificiranim slikama.
Wi-Fi galerija siva) (zona digitalna je galerija postavljena na otvorenom i slobodnom operativnom sustavu Pivilion koji su razvili Dina Karadžić i Vedran Gligo (Format C). Bežična lokalna mreža (WLAN Wireless Local Access Network) slobodno je dostupna i automatski (bez lozinke ili daljnjih radnji) počinje predstavljanje digitalnog rada svakome tko se spoji na Wi-Fi mrežu. Od 2022. Wi-Fi galerija siva) (zona dostupna je na Trgu sv. Marka u Korčuli u svakom trenu predstavljajući radove u izboru kustosa iz sive) (zone i Formata C.
O autorici:
Iqra Iqbal je digitalna umjetnica s iskustvom u informatici i stručnim znanjem u digitalnom dizajnu, kreativnom kodiranju i animacijama. Diplomirala je računarstvo i trenutno pohađa magisterij. Sudjelovala je na izložbama Fubar Glitch Art Exhibition (Hrvatska), COVIMETRY u sklopu pokreta Discursive Geometry (Poljska) i Art and Science Exhibition (Italija). Živi i radi u Pakistanu.