free_art_-_collab & The Wrong – New Digital Art Biennale


{ {{ { goodbye to the second edition of The Wrong. till 2017~ } }} }


“ Tonight will last forever “Come join us online to celebrate THE END of the second edition of The Wrong. A three hour…

Posted by The Wrong - New Digital Art Biennale on Sunday, 31 January 2016


The Wrong / OUTRO | ODJAVA @ [& „The Over Soon Tour“]

The Wrong (again) official imagery by Stefan Saalfeld


> contact the artists in residence on Skype @ inqinc /Dec 13-14/ >


fb event reminder [ ]

Dec 12.-18.2015.
@ Inquiry Inc. [A.Reisnera 137, OS /]

free_art_-_collab imagery by Schwestern Sisters

This December we are hosting the first module of “free_art_-_” project, @ Inquiry Inc., an independent artist space run by the artistic organisation Format C. Our theme is collaboration, in the area of contemporary audiovisual culture.
free_art_-_collab [Dec 12th - Dec 15th 2015.] is a discoursive - presentational and residential programme, oriented towards presenting local [CRO] authors who deal with contemporary digital culture, based on the principles of self-production, self-sustainability and the tactics of collaboration.

Young authors Tea Stražičić and Marta Stražičić will introduce the public to their artistic and animation practice, and we will also tackle the theme of their Schwestern Sisters collective and the collaboration with various independent artists, for this occasion specifically - the members of Squigly Lines audio-visual project.
We will point out the means of local cultural production accessible in the ephemeral and international space of the www, and the diversity of individual practices for the creation of free - liberated and approachable art.

After the artist talk, we continue by hosting the authors in a discoursive residential programme, dialoguing on the context and the focal points for this type of artistic creation, and the potential of independent self-producing and self-publishing regarding numerous open repos, open source and free softwares & web spaces.


The programme is our additional content to the presentation of The Wrong - New Digital Art Biennale exhibition [Sept 1st 2015.- Sept 31st 2016.], the largest biennale in the world (50+ curated online pavillions & Homeostasis Lab  - a public participation pavillion; 40+ IRL/AFK embassies; 90+ curators; 1000+ artists), with Inquiry Inc. space as an Osijek-based AFK/IRL embassy for the presentation of digital artworks taking part at The Wrong.
The Wrong is a contemporary art exhibition, happening both online and offline, and aims to create, promote and push positive forwardthinking contemporary digital art to a wider audience worldwide through a biennial event that gathers the best art selected by the best, while embraces the young talents of today’s exciting digital art scene.

The Wrong (again) official imagery by Stefan Saalfeld


The exhibition and the artist talk are publicly accesible at our RL presentation space Inquiry Inc. (Adama Reisnera 137, Osijek) & our pages [event & YT live stream].
The programme is scheduled for December 12th – December 18th 2015.

    12.12.  free_art_-_collab programme & The Wrong @ Inquiry Inc.                             
17:00 : artist talk, Schwestern Sisters
20:00 : The Wrong - New Digital Art Biennale expo opening

    12.12.-15.12. free_art_-_collab residential programme, Schwestern Sisters @ Inquiry Inc. (please announce your visit at

    13.-18.12. The Wrong - New Digital Art Biennale @ Inquiry Inc.
16-20 : exhibition


free_art_-_collab authors:

Schwestern Sisters

         Tea Stražičić

Born in Dubrovnik, Croatia in 1990. Achieved BA & MA Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb “Animation and New Media”.
Works on music videos, games, apps, comic books, designed visual identities for LGBT, Hartera & Dragram festival.
Part of The Schwestern Sisters Art Collective and New Aesthetics group.
Published by Heavy Metal, Lybricon, Zarez, FELT Zine etc.
Finished Animation Sans Frontiers workshop in 2015.
Known as VJ & blogger Fluff Lord. • portfolio • gif and digital art blog

         Marta Stražičić

Born in Zadar, Cro, in 1995. Graduated graphic design in 2013.
Currently studying at the Academy of Fine Art, for a Bachelors degree of New Media & Animation studies. Alongside creating graphic novels, she experimented with digital and traditional mediums and techniques through her work on short animated films. She also travelled the Pacific, the Mediterranean and the Carribeans. Gathered a great deal of pro bono experience, by illustrating large scale city billboards and logotypes for various community events, and musicians. After a long self-learning period (from 2009.), she attends japanese language lessons up from 2013. She is currently experimenting and finding inspiration and new ways of articulating digital art in the new media of gif, glitch and animation, mostly with the help of Maya 3D and Cinema 4D.  • illustration • animation  • gif tumblr  • main tumblr


free_art_-_collab guest video show:

Squigly Lines

Squigly Lines is an audio-visual duet spawned in Zagreb in 2014., in the middle of a collaboration concert of the founding members Plush Bowels and Pornographic Memory.
The founders also perform at times as Creamy Goodness and Bestial Machinery, and their real names are Dražen Dukat i Karlo Rafaneli. The authors have been actively taking part in Zagreb’s independent music scene, and they are participants of various independent projects such as Owie Pockshull, Gods of Chaos, Shivering in Static, Mother Fucking Christians, Crawander, Human, etc.



Artist organization Format C formed with a mission to affirm and assure the presence of all types of contemporary Art, first and foremost on our local scene, as well as to help strengthen professional and social bonds on the regional, and ultimately- the global scene.
During 2015. we exhibited or helped organize art events and projects such as /‘fu:bar/ ; Drava Art Biennale 2015. ; Glitch /Databend  ; Cultural Elevator & Ratess @ Arte Utíl at Gallery Nova, and recently we wrapped up the last [expo] part of the G /Databend educational collaborative project, and are prepping our Osijek-based embassy for The Wrong - New Digital Art Biennale, and a number of our artistic reserches. Our focus of interest is on contemporary artistic research and creative production, and we also deal with all things fringe and visionary.
We aim to create, to inspire, idealize, communicate, present and consume art.

For additional info contact us at:


The Wrong (again)
New Digital Art Biennale

Dates: November 1st. 2015 to January 31st. 2016
Location: Online at
and in the embassy network worldwide.
Founded by David Quiles Guilló.
Organised by ROJO®
The Wrong Council are
Marisa Terrizzi, Jon Cates, A. Bill Miller
Julia Borges Arana, Guilherme Brandao, Gerhardt Rubio Swaneck
Homepage web programming by
Carrie Gates
The Wrong (again) oficial imagery by
Stefan Saalfeld
——— contact ———
For press information, request of images, or to arrange interviews with curators and artists participating in The Wrong, please contact:

@ Inquiry Inc. [A.Reisnera 137, OS /]

free_art_-_collab imagery by Schwestern Sisters

U prosincu u Inquiry Inc., prostoru umjetničke organizacije Format C, provodimo prvi modul projekta “free_art_-_”, sa tematikom suradnji u području suvremene audiovizualne umjetnosti.

free_art_-_collab odvija se kao dodatni sadržaj predstavljanju izložbe The Wrong - New Digital Art Biennale [1.11.2015.-31.1.2016.], najvećeg bijenala na svijetu (50+ online paviljona baziranih na kustoskim konceptima i Homeostasis Lab  - pavilljon otvoren za javno sudjelovanje; 40+ fizičkih ambasada diljem svijeta; 90+ kustosa; 1000+ umjetnika), sa prostorom Inquiry Inc. u ulozi osječke AFK/IRL ambasade u kojoj možete sagledati sadržaj The Wrong-a.

Ovogodišnji The Wrong je drugo izdanje ove koncepcije pristupačnog karaktera i slobodnog pristupa i odvija se tokom tri mjeseca na oko stotinu lokacija diljem svijeta i www-a, te od ožujka i u kulturnim institucijama diljem svijeta, s prvom potvrđenom - La Casa Encendida, Madrid.
Cilj mu je međunarodnim vaninstitucionalnim bijenalnim događanjem stvoriti, promaknuti i pokazati odabranu najbolju suvremenu digitalnu umjetnost kroz prezentaciju kustoskih koncepcija i autora koji „open source“ formatom bijenala daju svoj doprinos (re)definiranju umjetnosti.

Uz kurirani sadržaj, aktivno je i nekoliko otvorenih poziva putem kojih možete sudjelovati u paviljonima svojim umjetničkim ili pisanim radom. Više na :
[ Crowdfunding kampanju The Wrong-a možete pronaći ovdje:–2#/ ]

//  tekst o The Wrong-u je adaptiran iz obavijesti za javnost koju možete pronaći na :


Diskurzivni prezentacijski i rezidencijalni program free_art_-_collab [12.12.-15.12.2015.] orijentiran je prema predstavljanju autora i autorica koji djeluju na području RH, u sferi digitalne kulture bazirane na principima samoprodukcije, a s naglaskom na tematici samoodrživosti i taktikama suradnje i razmjene znanja.
Svoju umjetničku i animatorsku praksu i djela predstavit će mlade autorice Tea Stražičić i Marta Stražičić (Schwestern Sisters), a govoriti ćemo i o njihovoj suradnji s autorima koji stoje iza audiovizualnog projekta Squigly lines (Dražen Dukat i Karlo Rafaneli).
Prikazat će se lokalna produkcija dostupna u međunarodnom prostoru www-a, te raznolikost autorskih pristupa kojima se može generirati free - slobodna, odnosno pristupačna umjetnost.

Nakon artist talk-a, nastavit ćemo s rezidencijalnim programom kojima ćemo istražiti kontekst i izvorišne točke za nastanak ovakvoga tipa umjetnosti, kao i modele vaninstitucionalnog samoproduciranja i samopublikacije, baziranog na besplatnim repozitorijima, open source i free softverima i web platformama.


Izložba i razgovor s autoricama otvoreni su za zainteresiranu javnost i održavaju se u prezentacijskom prostoru Inquiry Inc. (Adama Reisnera 137, Osijek), te web sferi [event].
Termin održavanja programa je 12.prosinca - 18.prosinca 2015.

    12.12.  free_art_-_collab program & The Wrong @ Inquiry Inc.                            
17:00 : artist talk i projekcije, Schwestern sisters
20:00 : otvorenje izložbe The Wrong - New Digital Art Biennale
    12.12.-15.12. rezidencijalni program Schwestern Sisters @ Inquiry Inc. (posjet potrebno prethodno najaviti na
    13.-18.12. The Wrong - New Digital Art Biennale @ Inquiry Inc.
16-20 : izložba


free_art_-_collab autorice:

Schwestern Sisters

         Tea Stražičić

Dubrovnik, Hrvatska 4.3.1990. BA & MA na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu - “Animacija i novi mediji”.
Radi na glazbenim videima, igrama, aplikacijama, stripovima; dizajnirala vizualne identitete za LGBT, Harteru i Dragram festival. Dio Schwestern Sisters art kolektiva i New Aesthetics grupe. Radovi su joj objavljeni od strane Heavy Metal-a, Lybricon-a, Zareza, FELT Zine-, itd. Pohađala Animation Sans Frontiers workshop 2015. Poznata kao VJ & blogger Fluff Lord. • portfolio • gif and digital art blog

         Marta Stražičić

Marta Stražičić je rođena u Zadru 19.04.1995. Diplomirala je grafički dizajn u Osnovnoj umjetničkoj školi u Zadru 2013.
Završava prvu godinu BA programa za animaciju i nove medije na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu. Osim kratkih grafičkih novela, napravila je i nekoliko kratkih animiranih filmova eksperimentirajući sa digitalnim i tradicionalnim medijima. Putovala je sa obitelji oko Pacifika, Mediterana i Kariba. Tijekom godina je prikupila mnogo “pro bono” iskustva, ilustrirajući jumbo plakate i logotipe za različite događaje i bendove. Nakon samostalnog učenja japanskog jezika od 2009. od 2013. počinje pohađati privatne satove japanskog jezika. Trenutno ju najviše inspirira nalaženje novih načina korištenja digitalne umjetnosti kroz mediji gifova, glitcheva i animacije za koje u glavnom koristi Maya 3D i Cinema 4D softvere.  • Ilustracija • Animacija • Gif tumblr  • Glavni tumblr


Umjetnička organizacija “Format C” nastala je s misijom da istraži i podrži suvremeni kulturni kapital, recentnu umjetnost i sve njene nematerijalne ivice. U 2015.g. smo izlagali ili pružili stručnu podršku pri umjetničkim događanjima i projektima /‘fu:bar/ ; Drava Art Biennale 2015. ; Glitch /Databend ; Kulturni lift i Štakorica @ Arte Utíl u Galeriji Nova, a recentno smo dovršili posljednju [expo] fazu suradničkog projekta G /Databend putem premijerne izložbe u našemu prostoru Inquiry Inc., pružili podršku pri organizaciji izložbe Nezavisni prostori - prostori nezavisnih, te priredili osječku ambasadu za The Wrong - New Digital Art Biennale, kao i niz vlastitih umjetničkih istraživanja. Fokus Formata C je na suvremenom umjetničkom istraživanju i stvaralaštvu, rubnim i vizionarskim praksama.
Želimo stvarati, inspirirati, idealizirati, komunicirati, prezentirati i konzumirati umjetnost.

Za dodatne informacije kontaktirajte nas na:


The Wrong (again)
New Digital Art Biennale

Datumi: 1.11. 2015 - 31.1. 2016
Lokacije: Online na
i u mreži ambasada diljem svijeta. -

Osnivač - David Quiles Guilló
Organizator - ROJO®

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