Ethical Dilemmas [ONLINE] workshop

Making glitch art by sourcing, reusing and remixing public domain and creative commons video using open source tools.

by Ian Keaveny aka Crash-Stop

Oct 18 – Oct 22 (Mon–Fri) 2021
18-20h CEST (UTC+2)

free admission / registration only

registration deadline (ext.): Oct 15th 2021, 20h CEST
apply via:

These sessions are primarily aimed at Linux and Windows users though should be applicable to Mac users with some caveats. To take part in the workshop you will need to have a basic understanding of installing and usage of software such as FFmpeg, Git bash and Bash Shell and to make things easier Chocolatey package manager on Windows, or experience of using Linux and the command line or the command line and Homebrew on Mac as most of the programs being used will not be available in an app store as my own focus is on software and hardware freedom and creative commons as defined in the libre planet manifesto here: Libre Planet Mission Statement. A guide to software required and installation instructions will be published at: Software and links for upcoming workshops.

The aim of these five workshops is using open source tools and copyleft, creative commons or public domain video to act as an introduction to basic and advanced glitch art techniques and the language and philosophy of error in video art and to end up with finished works that can be exhibited online or in physical space.

Ovaj niz radionica namijenjen je primarno korisnicima_cama Linux i Windows sustava, no moguće ih je uz određene prilagodbe primijeniti i pri radu s Mac sustavom. Za sudjelovanje na ovim radionicama potrebno je osnovno razumijevanje u instalaciji i korištenju softvera kao što su FFmpeg, Git Bash i Bash Shell i, kako bi stvari tekle glađe, Chocolatey upravitelj paketa za rad s Windows sustavom te poznavanje terminalskog  sučelja (CLI). Za Mac sučelje potrebno je poznavanje terminalskog sučelja i Homebrew-a, jer većina softvera koje ćemo koristiti u tijeku radionice - nije dostupna u centru aplikacija. Fokus radionice je na slobodnom i permisivno licenciranom softveru, hardveru i stvaralaštvu kako je definirano u sljedećem manifestu: Izjava o misiji Libre Planet.
Vodič za potreban softver i upute za instalaciju objavljeni su na: Softver i poveznice za nadolazeće radionice.

Cilj ove radionice je korištenje alata otvorenog koda i videa iz copyleft, creative commons i javne domene kao uvod u niz tehnika glitch umjetnosti te jezik i filozofiju greške u video umjetnosti, kako bi na koncu stvorili gotova video djela koja se mogu izložiti online, ali i u fizičkom prostoru.

After each session I will set tasks with a view for attendees to create their own works based on each day’s focus which will be shared at the beginning of each session.

  • Day 1) Introduction – Discussion of my own influences and views on what video is and what it can be. Finding primary sources to work with, how to know what is copyleft, public domain or creative commons. Checking what you can do with material depending on creative commons licence. Simple download strategy using transmission or youtube-dl. What to do with it. Saving time by working out what material works best with what process. Thinking about formats and size, re-baking and resizing with FFmpeg or handbrake. Preparing video for different processes.
  • Day 2) What to do with video once you have it – bake it break it remix it, FFmpeg from the command line, on the fly hex editing using FFmpeg and ffplay from the command line, capturing ffplay output in real time using obs-studio or simplescreenrecorder, FFglitch on Linux and Windows, extracting sound from video for later, tomato, tomato sound, best formats for tomato, FFglitch etc, advantages disadvantages, basic scripting, black and white dithering.
  • Day 3) How to edit video using only open source editing tools, being guided by the material and not ideas of narrative or traditional structure, non traditional editing practice, output formats, tailoring work to where it’s going to be seen i.e. YouTube Instagram Peer-tube elsewhere. Discussion about what constitutes a finished work.
  • Day 4) Adding sound – what sort of sound do we want to add to our video? Creative commons options, reusing sound from video, ways to treat that using audacity or cd scratching and recording methods. Turning sound into video operating on that then reversing that process to retrieve sound, using audacity and the gimp to modify sound based on Letsglitchits’ reverse sonification methodology optimised for open source software.
  • Day 5) What is the desktop anyway ? Using the Desktop as a live creative environment, referencing Jodis’ ‘my%desktop’ – creating ffplay feedback loops with or without webcams, capture tools, recording what you do.

Ian Keaveny aka Crash-Stop

I gave up traditional media after downloading images from a cheap digital camera and becoming fascinated with how they had become inadvertently glitched. My work is based on forcing software, hardware and codecs to function in unintended ways, through hex editing, sonification, misinterpretation, circuit-bending and the exploitation of hardware flaws found in older computers when mismatched with obsolete operating systems. As well as my own video I use a variety of found sources including VHS, out of copyright silent movies, government information films, ad-breaks from satellite television and footage of modern politicians – I treat the internet as an environment to work within, comment upon and as source material. I use and endorse open source software and publish my work under creative commons as CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.

Ian Keaveny aka Crash-Stop

Odustao sam od tradicionalnih medija nakon što sam preuzeo fotografije s jeftine digitalne kamere i postao fasciniran slučajno nastalim greškama. Moj rad je baziran u tjeranju softvera, hardvera i kodeka da funkcioniraju na načine za koje nisu namijenjeni, kroz hex uređivanje, sonifikaciju, krivu interpretaciju, izmjenu električnih sklopova (circuit-bending) i eksploataciju hardverskih grešaka starih računala u kombinaciji s krivim i zastarjelim operativnim sustavima. Osim osobnih videa koristim i materijale nađene na VHS-u, nijeme filmove s isteklom vlasničkom licencom, institucionalne informativne videe, oglase sa satelitske televizije i snimke modernih političara. Internet komentiram, koristim kao izvorni materijal i kao okruženje za rad. Koristim i podržavam softver otvorenog koda a svoja djela objavljujem pod creative commons licencom CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.

The workshop is part of the Inquiry Inc. 2021 x /’fu:bar/ extended program.

Organizers: Format C Artist Organization

Producers: Vedran Gligo (web design, hypermedia systems), Dina Karadžić (production, multimedia, curatorial concept), Bojana Vojvodić (communication, coordination)

In collaboration with: CIM APURI and PEEK&POKE

Financially supported by the Kultura Nova Foundation and the City of Rijeka


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